As the fourth most populated city in the world, Mumbai is a bustling city of extremes. The city can be spiritually calm yet exuberantly flashy at the same time. Once known as Bombay, Mumbai is the commercial and entertainment capital of India. Home of the thriving Bollywood film industry as well as the center for many important financial institutions and corporate headquarters of India, Mumbai has everything you\'d expect from a Metropolis, plus a dose of Hindi culture mixed in.
Delhi\'s delights are not immediately apparent when you first arrive and instantly bombarded by the pollution, over population and poverty. When you can look past all that, you\'ll find that Delhi is in many ways the essence of modern India. As one of the oldest cities in the world, it makes an excellent starting point to exploring North India. The city is littered with crumbling tombs and ruins, most of which are not even on the tourist map.